
Serving the Community

Covenant Sisters Cancer Support Group

With the increasing awareness of cancer attacking the women of God, one thing stands out and that is the determination to bring to remembrance what God has said in His word and the promises that He made to His children. “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20)

He has promised that He will not forsake us even in our time of trouble. We know that He is a healer and that His desire is to make us whole.

When we hear the word cancer, immediately our thoughts are not always what God says, but our earthly reaction is often negative as though this is our last stand. Quickly, we come to ourselves and bring back to our remembrance what God has said.

Knowing that everyone is not in the same place with God, and that the taboo of not talking about this with others has resulted in a lot of hurt, misguidance, fear, and other feelings that are not of God.

We feel it is important that we connect with one another and relay our concerns and our questions with those who have gone through it. We know that our ultimate goal is to depend on Christ and to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

It is important that we come together as a group to share, relate, and initiate a plan to help each other, even those who are yet to come, as a positive force motivated by God.

Knowing God and His healing power, and that all are not healed instantly, some face the fact that healing comes in many ways and their healing might have to come after some struggle. Believing God for their healing has set in motion a sense of encouragement that surpasses all understanding.

Their relationship with God and their faith in Him has placed a group of women who defy all statistics and willingly face life with a new set of values. Some, who have not been afflicted by this disease, but have family or friends who face this challenge lend their support to one another with love and understanding. This has caused them to share their stories and their lives in a way that is not only helpful, but also encouraging and of great support while going through.


The Covenant Sisters mission is to not let any sister face this alone. To help educate, help to understand where God is in their struggle, to support them, their families, and bond together; making the connection and letting her know that she can make it because she is more than a conqueror. She is a survivor!

Meeting Time

Every third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.

Lead Servant

Deaconess Judy Clark

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